In Islam the word love take very important place in everyone’s life. We all read or hear about the love stories of Muslims or Islam. In every love story there are some problems or obstacles by which story the love story had been incomplete or some of the love stories had been competed without any obstacle or barrios. Sometimes another girl comes in happy love story.
After that boy leave his girlfriend alone. If you’re boyfriend leaves you alone. How to get my boyfriend back in my life. You ask always same question to yourself that how to get your ex boyfriend back? Then you can take the help of Muslim Vashikaran. Do this vashikarn after taking bath. You can know how get your boyfriend back using this spell. On Sunday or Wednesday repeat the spell 79 times which is written below. Spellbound the sweet and Give it to your ex boyfriend. After eating this sweet he will hypnotize. He will come again in your life or you can solve the problem. The spell which is chanting is
या कजिलहा जतिया कफ़ीलमुहायति या राफीअदर जति यादाफि अलबयाति या मुफूलहुल अबावनि या शाफिल अमराजी या हलल्लमुश्कि लाति या मुसविबल असबाब ता या मुजाबद अवाति या अर्रहमानिर्रहीम ।
It is not necessary that every love story will completed without any obstacle or problem. In every boy’s life there is a girl whom he loves so much. Some times in that story girl leave him because he gets new boyfriend or some personal issues. By this the boy feels so upset. He wants her back in his life again. But he does not get any solution of this problem. He is doing every effort to solve this problem but he does not get any solution. I you are also suffering from this problem. You also want the solution of this problem. You do everything to solve this problem but you do not get any success. Then at that time we can help you. We can tell you how to get back my ex girlfriend. Read the spell 10 beads per day for 41 days, which is written below
ओम नमो आदेश गुरु को ॥
जल बाँधू ॥
जलहर बाँधू ॥
आणी-पाणी बाँधू ॥
बार-बार बाँधू ॥
शिवपूत प्रचंड ॥
रूठा राजा ॥
काई करसी ॥
आसान छोड़ा ॥
मन्ने बैठण देसी ॥
आसण टीको चन्दन ॥
ललाट टीको काढि ॥
सिहं वर्ण कहाऊ ॥
और करु सइया तले ॥
मैं बध्यान गौरा पार्वती ॥
बध्याने में बध्याया ॥
मेरी भक्ति ॥
मेरी भक्ति ॥
फुरे मन्त्र ॥
ईश्वरो वाचा ॥
Love is the sweet feeling. It gives you power to get everything or open the door of success. If your lover loves you so much then you can complete you destine. But in case your lover leaves you alone in the half way, you cannot survive without him. Some time it is so much difficult to forget him. One sided love is one of the reasons of it. Sometimes by the third person your relationship will destroy. If you could not get your love in your life you feel like, you live in hell. If you facing these conditions. You cannot understand what you will do now. Now you thinking that you cannot do anything to get him back this thinking of you is wrong. You can think that how to get back your love with the help of some simple spells.complete solution of how to get love back On Friday night of any month without wearing cloths start chanting of this spell or repeat it whole night. Burn the Ghee lamp and incense in front of you. After chanting it whole night Tributes the Jasmine flowers or do Greetings give attention or think about him. The spell is
आगारी जो गुरु यागे ।
जोगिन गुरु , ड़ण्ड बतियाँ ।
करिया बलियाँ ।
री जोगन मुख अनरिता।
गायत रही रतियां ।
गौ जोगिन चल इन अकेलियाँ ।
गौ मारे है तालियाँ।
गौ जोगिन का पहियाँ।
ना आये तो दोहाई मईया बनिता की ।
दोहाई सलिमा पैगम्बार की ।
दोहाई सलाई छू ।
हिन्दू धर्म में जहा तंत्र मंत्र से वशीकरण किया जाता है, वही मुस्लिम धर्म में वज़ीफ़ा, इल्मो और सूरो
द्धारा वशीकरण किया जाता है| मुस्लिम वशीकरण एक ऐसी पद्धिति है जिसके द्धारा आप किसी भी
व्यक्ति या औरत को अपने वश में किया जा सकता है| वशीकरण की प्रकिर्या को संपन्न करने के लिए
मुस्लिम धर्म में सूफी, फकीरो या मोलवियों का बहुत महत्व है| अगर आप किसी से बहुत प्यार करते है
और उसके साथ अपना पूरा जीवन बिताना चाहते है तो मुस्लिम वशीकरण मंत्रो द्धारा आप मनचाहा
प्यार पा सकते है| वशीकरण इल्मो का प्रयोग किसी साधारण व्यक्ति के बस में नही होता, क्योंकि इन
मंत्रो को सिद्ध करने के लिए इनके बारे में जानकारी होना बहुत महत्व्पूर्ण है| मुस्लिम मंत्रो द्धारा आप
आसानी से अपना खोया हुआ प्यार पा सकते है और अपने प्रेमी को विवाह के लिए भी राजी कर सकते
मुस्लिम वशीकरण मंत्रो का प्रयोग बहुत सावधानी पूर्वक किया जाता है क्योंकि सभी प्रकार के वशीकरण
मंत्रो में से मुस्लिम वशीकरण सबसे शक्तिशाली माने जाते है| मौलाना जी आपको कुछ मुस्लिम इल्मो के
बारे में बतायेगे जिनके द्धारा आप आसानी से अपना खोया हुआ प्यार पा सकते है, परन्तु इन मंत्रो का
प्रयोग करने के लिए बताई गयी विधि को ध्यानपूर्वक करना होता है| मुस्लिम मंत्रो का पाठ पूर्णतय
शुद्ध होकर और स्वच्छ व पवित्र वस्त्र पहनकर करना चाहिए| निचे कुछ मंत्रो के बारे में बताया गया है
और इनके प्रयोग की विधि को भी बताया गया है, जो कि मौलाना जी द्धारा सिद्ध कि गयी है-
बिस्मिल्लाहिर्रहमानिर्रहीम ! वमिन अयातिहि अन खला का लकुम मिन अनफुसकुम अज्वाजाल लेतसक्नु
इलेहा वजा अला बेनकूम मवधतन वरहमतन |
- अगर आपके प्रेम में किसी प्रकार का अवरोध या लड़ाई-झगड़ा चल रहा हो तो इस मंत्र को 700 बार 7
दिनों तक पढे| फिर किसी मीठी चीज को अभिमंत्रित कर अपनी प्रेमिका या पत्नी को खिला दे, ऐसा
करने से आपका प्रेमी आपके वश में हो जायेगा|
बिस्मिल्लाहिर्रहमानिर्रहीम ! इन्नमा तुनजीरो माणितबाआ अल्जिकरा व खशियरहमाना बिलगेबे फबश्शरहु
बिमग्फ़िरतींव अजरिन करीम |
- बताये गए मंत्र का प्रयोग आप अपने खोये हुए प्यार को पाने के लिए कर सकते है| इस मंत्र को एक
सफ़ेद कागज पर लिखकर उसे धो कर अपने मनचाहे प्यार को पिला दे, ऐसा करने से आपका प्यार
आपके पास खीचा चला आएगा|
इस प्रकार मुस्लिम वशीकरण मंत्रो द्धारा आप अपनी किसी भी इच्छा को पूरा कर सकते है| अगर
आपका प्यार सच्चा है और आप अपना मनचाहा प्यार पाना चाहते है तो मौलाना जी आपके प्यार को
दिलवाने में आपकी सहायता करेगे| अगर आप किसी भी समस्या का तुरंत समाधान चाहते है तो आप
हमारे मोलवी जी से कभी भी संपर्क कर सकते है|
Relationships are blessing of god, it is predefined to meet beloved ones in our life. True love is hardly attainable by few individuals because it takes time to build trust on someone. Moreover, when you fall in true love with someone then it is necessary to maintain all situations for smoothly running the relationship without any obstacles. In upcoming lines we are going to explain you how relationship getting weaker and reached to breakup. It is common that every girl seeking to get a guy to fall for you however, it needs dedication in relationship. When you pay deep attention to your relationship then it will going stronger day by day. On same side when girls interested in get him to fall back in love with you and all these things could possible by astrology. Millions of people are covering love worried in their life and they cannot discuss it with everyone thus, they get disappointed and commit suicide or other dangerous steps. No doubt love gives strength and focus in our life but if you attain true partner in your life then it makes your life more beautiful. Any true relationship needs trust and loyalty which is very necessary to run long term relationship. Thousands of problems occur in relationship when you feel cheated in life. Those who are looking to get him to fall for you fast and do everything what you say then it is required you to astrology services are one of the best option for you. Our eminent astrologer will assist you how it is possible to attain love with your desire.
Astrology is perfect solution of each type of lost love obstacles because our astrologer had resolve thousands of love cases where girls or boys attain desired love within week. Services like get him to fall in love are offered by astrology master Moulana Sultan Mirza Ji. He spent quality years over learning astrological powers and prove them for future uses. Our whole life is a journey with lots of good or bad experiences and we have to face both of them. If you love someone and interested in get him to fall in love with you then astrology makes it possible for you because specialized astrologers will assist you how to earn love of desired persons in your life. He has proven vashikaran mantras those work for make you attractive and build you self confidence to talk with others. Moreover, a little mistake can destroy your relationships thus, if you are thinking about get him to fall in love with me again then you are at perfect destination of results. Astrologer has extreme hands over love mantras those can start working within few hours after chanting them with pure heart. As we earlier said good or bad time run parallel in our life therefore, when we are facing struggle in love life then never lose the hope because every problem has solution and nothing is impossible in this universe. It is common when you facing disputes in your relationship then disliking on each other start occurring. In such situations, astrologer provide you get him to like you again services in which you should chant dominant mantras those are instructed to you and within 2 days your partner will start liking you as earlier.
One of the real life example of lost love case we are sharing with you which are quickly resolved within 4 hours by astrology master.
Almost 8 months earlier, girl came to meet astrologer looking very stressed and disappointed for losing her true love recently. She was asking for services for get him to love me from astrologer because her boyfriend was narrow minded and punctuate her in every talk that is why their relationship getting worse day by day and girl decided to breakup from such stressed relationship. But after few days she realize her mistake or think about her love then she decided to take astrology services for get my boyfriend to love me again and everything get sorted easily. Astrologer has sharp command over effective mantras and worships to easily control anyone mind for positive reasons. Our astrologer assists him there are countless reasons for breakup but only few reasons for patched again. Astrologer explain him services of get him to love you in which her partner start loving her and with full of trust. Any unnecessary doubt makes relationship worst therefore, we should trust on our partner. Astrology has solution of each and every obstacle in life; if you attain the right solution of each obstacle in life then you may consult problems with astrology master who spent years to make his perfection over astrology services. Then girl asked us to get him to love again which is depend upon their earlier bond because in this process several things required in which you should keep contact with your loved one. Astrologer suggest her some magical mantras those were chanted at midnight for 101 times. She followed all the instructions astrologer said then she feel the magic after 2 days when her boyfriend came to meet her and apology for his mistakes. Her query related to get my ex to love me again getting resolved by effective powers of astrology.
Any problem in your life related to lost love if you are facing the do not stressed about it just calmly discuss it with our supreme astrologer who is known for get love back problem solution as quickly as possible. Astrologer advance knowledge over advance love mantras and astrology term is really unique therefore, he will give you guarantee to get my ex to love me again services. Love is wonderful medium to make you all in one place. Never feel depressed towards love issues because love astrology expert is always ready to help those who are truly fall in love with someone and facing difficulties in love life. Any query of fall back in love with ex you could share with astrologer he keep your identity private and maintain your relationship happier. He had huge clients following who are getting benefits of astrology and make their life more successful and lovable.